Goals for Your New User Training


This is going to be a lot. Think of this as a boot camp. It's a crash course. You're going to learn a little about a lot so that you have enough to get started to do your job, but you'll get support and further training regularly in the future.

How it Works:

Almost every learning module is made up of the same components:

  1. A demonstration of the thing you are learning.
  2. An opportunity for you to practice the thing you just learned.
  3. A quiz to demonstrate that you have learned that thing.

Some quizzes are longer than others. Some are one question "quizzes" that simply require you to confirm that you have watched the video and completed the practice task.

Goals for this Training:

By the end of this training, you will be able to:

  1. Setup your PIN and e-signature in Foothold, Avalon's client database.
  2. Identify and locate basic features of Foothold, including login, help desk, plans, progress notes, and group notes
  3. Become familiar with the intake process into Foothold, intake a mock client
  4. Find and update the profile of your client
  5. Locate and complete one-time and multi-use forms such as an intake assessment and an annual Release of Information (ROI).
  6. Electronically sign a document of any kind
  7. Create a mock service plan.
  8. Progress notes; write a progress note independently for at least one client.
  9. Referrals and discharge

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