Course recap


Looks like you're all trained, and ready-to-go. If you took and passed each quiz in this training, both you and your supervisor will receive a copy of your diploma within about an hour.

Unsure if you took and passed every quiz? Check your progress in the staff app.

If you have taken this course in order and completed and passed all of the quizzes for each concept, you are now a Foothold/ServicePoint Master with a strong command of the following areas:

1) Setting Up Your PIN and E-Signature

2) Foothold Features: An Introduction

3) Let's Create a Client Profile and Intake.

4) How to Update a Profile & Consumer Identifiers

5) Forms: One Time & Renewable Forms

6) Service plans

7) Progress notes

8) Service Plan Linked Progress Notes9) Discharge

10) Quarterly Peer Review

11) ServicePoint Assessments: Assessments: How To

12) ServicePoint Assessments: Assessment Start and End Dates

13) ServicePoint Assessments: ROIs

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